K. Male'
18 Jan 2018 | Thu 16:19
Sun Island Resort: one of the properties being searched
Sun Island Resort: one of the properties being searched
Villa Hotels
State vs Villa Group
Probes on Villa resorts will have negative effects on tourism: President Nasheed
Officers of Police, MIRA active in search
Court order issued from 16th, for a period of seven days
Searches begin at 6am, lasts for 18 hours

Former President Mohamed Nasheed says that probes on resorts of Villa Group will have negative effects not just on the Group, but on the economy and tourism sector as a whole.

Nasheed made the statement in a tweet posted on Thursday, following the authorities’ decision to search resorts under Villa Group. In the tweet, Nasheed had condemned the actions of authorities.

The Group is owned by opposition aligned Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Qasim Ibrahim. Authorities began an arbitrary search of Paradise Island, Sun Island, Holiday Island and Fun Island late on Wednesday evening.

Speaking to RaajjeMV MPS media official reported that it was merely assisting an operation conducted by Maldives Customs Service (MCS). It was also reported that officers of Customs and Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) are active in this operation.

The reason listed on the court order warranting the search stated that alcohol brought in under Royal Island and Spa was taken to Fun Island Resort. Therefore, the order had authorized the search and collect any evidence to that effect.

The court order warranted searches on the properties from 16th of this month for a period of seven days.

According to the warrant, searches should begin at 6am and last for 18 hours.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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