K. Male'
17 Jan 2018 | Wed 13:32
A ferry crewman loads a case of eggs for transport to the outlying islands
A ferry crewman loads a case of eggs for transport to the outlying islands
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Health Ministry
Health Ministry asks grocers to abide by method on storing and selling chicken eggs
The ministry released a follow-up statement on Tuesday
The guidelines dictate that eggs can only be kept untreated and unrefrigerated for 28 days
Upon import, the ministry also requires that the batch brought into the country have a ‘health clearance’ certificate

The Health Ministry has this week asked wholesalers and retailers of food supplies to abide by its guidelines on storing chicken eggs.

The ministry released a follow-up statement on Tuesday, to remind them that the date to begin abiding by said guidelines was Sunday.

The guidelines dictate that eggs can only be kept untreated and unrefrigerated for 28 days from the date of prodcution, at most.

The minsitry further said that eggs must be stored refrigerated and cooled for no more than three months since the date of production.

The guidelines also require that these products be carefully monitored and that the temperature in which they are stored be set accordingly during import.

Upon import, the ministry also requires that the batch brought into the country have a ‘health clearance’ certificate and a certificate of origin.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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