K. Male'
16 Jan 2018 | Tue 16:28
Concerned citizens paste pieces of paper protesting lack of principal in Maroshi School
Concerned citizens paste pieces of paper protesting lack of principal in Maroshi School
Maroshi School
Parents angered over no principal in Maroshi School for years
A leading teacher has been running the school since 2015
The education ministry has been ignoring the issue
80 students are enrolled in the school

Parents in Sh Maroshi has voiced their concern over a lack of principal in the island’s school since 2015.

While the new academic year has begun, a leading teacher is still running the school.

Masood Ali, Vice President of Maroshi Council, told RaajjeMV that concerned citizens had pasted pieces of paper outside the school, expressing concern over the issue.

Some said that Education Minister Aishath Shiham was ignoring the issue, while others said the schools couldn’t be run without a principal, said Masood.

He said that some poured super glue into the school gate lock the previous night.

The island council had notified the education ministry over the issue even last year, he said, adding they have still to receive a response.

Maroshi has a registered population of 900 with 486 currently living in it. 80 students from grade one to 10 are enrolled in the island school.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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