K. Male'
16 Jan 2018 | Tue 10:19
Members of the Maldivian Democratic Part in Rasdhoo
Members of the Maldivian Democratic Part in Rasdhoo
Maldivian Democratic Party
Rasdhoo's MDP supporters buy generator for party camp, after state refused to provide them with electricity
The party camp has reportedly been in use since February 7th, 2012
A member of the atoll's council said that electricity to the party camp was cut off after First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim visited the island
They were then told that providing them with electricity would be delayed because the state is preparing a ‘land use plan’

Supporters of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) in Rasdhoo of Alif Alif have had to take matters into their own hands after the state refused to provide their party camp with electricity.

Those that use the camp have bought and installed their own electricity generator, after they were told that the state would not provide the premises with power.

The party camp has reportedly been in use since February 7th, 2012. They said that electricity to their party camp was cut off after First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim visited the island.

Surreptitiously, the State Electric Company (STELCO) said that a change in the way their ‘generators work’ caused the power cut and that cables and such would need to be drawn again.

Mohamed Shafeeq, the Alif Alif Atoll council’s chair, said that the party’s supporters had invested in this process and spent an upwards of MVR 20,000 (about USD 1,300).

However, after the cables had been drawn and all the STELCO’s named preparations made, those at the camp were told that providing them with electricity would be delayed because the state is preparing a ‘land use plan’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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