K. Male'
15 Jan 2018 | Mon 15:50
MP Faris Maumoon waves at supporters while exiting court premises
MP Faris Maumoon waves at supporters while exiting court premises
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris Trial
Faris’ hearing on fraud to resume after two-month hiatus
Faris was charged for using a flag and logo of PPM in a news conference
The new hearing is to be held at 11:00am
The State is to present evidence to prove that Faris held a conference as a PPM member after being dismissed from the party

Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon’s case hearing on identity fraud has been scheduled for Monday, two months after the last one was cancelled.

Faris was charged for allegedly using a flag and logo of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in a news conference, after he was dismissed from the party by one of the two PPM factions.

The new hearing is to be held at 11:00am.

The last hearing scheduled for 15 November 2017 was cancelled after the State failed to present their witnesses.

In the hearing on 22 October 2017, the State presented evidence against Faris, including two secret witnesses, a video CD, a civil court ruling, a letter from the Elections Commission (EC), and a letter from PPM to the police service.

The witnesses are to testify that Faris had held a news conference as a member of PPM.

EC’s letter shows that it had dismissed Faris from the party after transferring the leadership to President Abdulla Yameen. PPM’s letter to the police service is regarding the complaint that Faris’ “illegal” use of its flag and logo. The video CD contains footage from Faris’ news conference.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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