K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 18:29
File photo shows captured foreign vessels
File photo shows captured foreign vessels
Capture Foreign Vessels
Police begin probe on captured foreign vessels
Defense Minister confirmed the two captured foreign boats in the Maldives region were pirate vessels
The vessels have now been taken to Male’
The defence force reported that the crew were mainly Thailand nationals

The police service has said they are now investigating the pirate vessels captured in the Maldives region.

Defense Minister Adam Shareef has confirmed that the two foreign fishing boats reportedly captured in the Maldives region were pirate vessels.

The Defense Minister praised the military for capturing the vessels, which he said were infamous in foreign countries for their piracy.

The two captured vessels, which had the Somalian flag, have now been taken to Male’.

One of the vessels was discovered 76.5 nautical miles off Hirilandhoo in Thaa Atoll, with 10 crew members in total.

The other was found in the waters off of Maamigilli of Alif Dhaal Atoll, with 12 crew members.

The defence force reported that the crew were mainly Thailand nationals, and that the vessels also had over 400 tonnes of fish onboard.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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