K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 18:43
Gan MP Ismail Fayyaz
Gan MP Ismail Fayyaz
MP Fayyaz Ismail
‘Irreligious’ sheikhs are damaging Islam in Maldives
Some Islamic scholars wrongfully accused then President Nasheed of being against Islamic values
Religious scholars are harming Islam by supporting or remaining silent on tyranny
Punishment for sinful religious scholars should be more severe

Irreligious sheikhs are the most damaging to Islam in Maldives, says Gan MP Fayyaz Ismail.

The MP said this while on RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee show on Saturday night.

MP Ismail said these irreligious Islamic scholars had accused former President Mohamed Nasheed of being against religious values during his tenure, even though the Islamic Ministry at the time had complete freedom to spread the faith.

He said that the then ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) was politically ruined because it had not used the religion as a weapon.

He also accused current so-called leaders of being rapists and thieves.

“When there’s inconsistency in what they say and do, it only damages Islam. When children see the so-called leaders, who use the religion as a shield, they will come to think of Islam as something that they use for their personal benefit.”

“The most damaging to Islam are now our so-called religious leaders who either support tyranny or remain silent. These irreligious sheikhs are harmful to our children’s faith. They have no interest in maintaining the faith. Their only interest is getting political power.”

He also said that the punishment for religious scholars who sin should be more severe than for normal people.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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