K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 15:44
MPs at the Supreme Court
MPs at the Supreme Court
Floor Crossing Controversy
MPs head to SC over status of their Parliament seats
13 MPs dismissed by Elections Commission
Parliament had stricken off the MPs from the register of MPs
MPs dismissed after submitting no confidence motion on Speaker Maseeh

Members of Parliament headed to Supreme Court on Sunday, to clarify information over the status of their Parliament seats.

RaajjeMV understands that the MPs had done so to clarify information on the progress of the cases they had filed in Supreme Court over the Elections Commission (EC) decision to nullify their seats.

Thimarafushi Constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa, Fuvahmulah North Constituency MP Ali Shah, Thinadhoo North Constituency MP Saudhullah Hilmy, Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain and Dhihdhoo Constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed went to Supreme Court on Sunday.

The ruling issued by Supreme Court over the matter, without conducting a trial on the case submitted by MPs Saud and Latheef, has been the focus of much public criticism. The ruling did not indicate clearly if the MPs had lost their seats or were still representatives of their respective Constituencies.

Mahchangolhi South MP Abdullah Sinan, Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed and Thinadhoo South Constituency MP Abdullah Ahmed had also submitted the case to Supreme Court following EC’s decision.

So far, EC had stripped 13 MPs from their seats, with the Parliament striking them off from the official Parliament register.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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