K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 12:38
Sheikh Nasrullah Musthafa
Sheikh Nasrullah Musthafa
Fraud Cases
Sheikh Nasrullah charged on two counts of fraud
Charged for doctoring document
Charged for conducting an activity without permits
Charges raised over sending pilgrims without a Hajj Group

The state had raised two charges on Sheikh Nasrullah Musthafa for having sent pilgrims on Hajj, on fraudulent grounds.

State raised two charges; one for having doctored a document and conducting an activity without taking necessary permits.

Last year, Nasrullah had sent a group of people to Hajj without a Hajj Group, against regulations. The group had encountered difficulties in Saudi Arabia, given that no arrangements were made for their stay. He was arrested in November.

When summoned to Criminal Court for his remand hearing, the court had ruled to detain him at home with stipulations.

Following this, pictures had circulated on social media of him at a meeting with senior officials of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The State also charged him with neglect and obstruction of official duties on 20 August 2017, and the case is currently ongoing at the Criminal Court. An additional charge of possession of pornographic material.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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