K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 12:38
Former Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed
Former Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed
Politics in Maldives
Ex-Minister Shaheem indicates of possible return to politics
Recently spotted in PPM rallies
Had not been active in politics of late
Many had welcomed Dr. Shaheem’s indication

Former Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has indicated that it was likely that he would return back to politics.

Following his resignation from opposition aligned Adhaalath Party (AP), Dr. Shaheem had opted to remain outside of political sphere.

However, in a tweet posted on Saturday, Dr. Shaheem said that it was likely that he will return back to the political sphere.

Many had responded back to the tweet, with some claiming that Dr. Shaheem had his personal interests at heart. Others had said that even if Dr. Shaheem returned back to politics, it was too late for the Government.

However, others had chimed in support for the decision, adding that they hoped Dr. Shaheem will ally with President Abdullah Yameen.

Dr. Shaheem, of late, had criticized his former Party, Adhaalath Party and the Party’s leaders.

He had served as the first Minister of Islamic Affairs of this administration and now serves as Chancellor of Maldives Islamic University. Dr. Shaheem’s wife had joined ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). However, it is unknown if Dr. Shaheem himself had allied with PPM, though he had been spotted in PPM rallies, of late.

The tweet came at a time when President Yameen had launched his re-election bid. President Yameen is yet to reveal a potential running mate. This had led to many speculating that Dr. Shaheem’s announcement was an indication that he is to contest for that spot.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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