K. Male'
14 Jan 2018 | Sun 08:42
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Vice President Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
2018 Presidential Elections
Ex-Pres. Nasheed, Dr. Jameel holds discussions over single candidate
Joint Opposition says they can field a single candidate for elections
Govt. says current opposition leaders cannot contest due to their convictions
Opposition already begun inter-party talks to field a single candidate

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has revealed that he had met the first Vice President of the present administration Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, over the issue of fielding a single candidate for the 2018 Presidential elections.

The tweet posted by the former President confirmed the meeting but failed to reveal additional details on the meeting.

The parties in the Joint Opposition says they are sure of brining a single candidate for the elections later this year to defeat incumbent President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom. Inter-Party Talks to determine that candidate had already begun.

The Government had maintained that current leaders of the opposition are unable to contest in the elections, given their convictions on various charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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