K. Male'
13 Jan 2018 | Sat 23:23
Sheikh Nasrullah Mustafa
Sheikh Nasrullah Mustafa
Sheikh Nasrullah Mustafa
Sheikh Nasrullah charged with porn possession
THe State also charged him with neglect and obstruction of official duties late last year
Musthafa is facing charges over allegedly scamming victims into unlicensed pilgrimage services
Mustafa has filed suit against journalists over defamation

Sheikh Nasrullah Mustafa, the recently dismissed Arabiyya School teacher, has been charged with possession of pornographic material.

The State also charged him with neglect and obstruction of official duties on 20 August 2017, and the case is currently ongoing at the Criminal Court.

The Prosecutor General (PG) office could not be contacted to provide the reason for the charges.

Nasrullah is also facing criminal allegations of fraud and forgery and had been arrested late last November.

While he was released within a day, Musthafa is facing charges of having scammed four individuals into believing they were receiving services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages from a licensed group.

The Criminal Court had ordered him to be under house arrest, but pictures have been circulating on social media of him at a meeting with senior officials of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

Mustafa has filed suit against VNews over alleged defamation, and also filed complaints on media outlets at the Maldives Media Council (MMC).

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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