K. Male'
11 Jan 2018 | Thu 23:51
Adhaalath Party Scholars Congress Member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Adhaalath Party Scholars Congress Member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Joint Opposition Rally
Govt’s view of Islam is a mystery: Dr. Majeed
Questioned over which administration has theft, graft
Asked which aspect of Islam allowed widespread injustice

Adhaalath Party Scholars Congress Member Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree has raised questions on the present administration’s policy on Islam, stating that the Government’s view of Islam was a mystery.

He asked the question speaking in the rally carried out by the joint opposition parties in Maamigili island in Alif Dhaal Atoll on Thursday evening.

Dr. Baaree, who had also served as Minister of Islamic Affairs, stated that while this administration regularly spoke of Islam, the Government itself was riddled with corruption, theft, graft and other such vices.

He also questioned on which aspect of Islam allowed widespread injustice, currently seen in the Maldivian society.

Dr. Baaree also highlighted on the treatment meted by the courts and judicial justice system to Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim and Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran Abdullah.

He warned that the proposed changes to the Penal Code, will be used to further persecute members of political parties and to squash dissent. However, Dr. Baaree said the joint opposition would not allow such actions to be carried out, stating that Adhaalath Party was ready to compromise and sacrifice to change the present administration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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