K. Male'
11 Jan 2018 | Thu 17:40
Attorney General Mohamed Anil
Attorney General Mohamed Anil
Penal Code
Major overhaul to Penal Code, changes include corruption, treason
Treason added
Current Penal Code came into practice on July 16,2015
Penalties for state employees mired in corruption increased

Attorney General Mohamed Anil has revealed that major changes are to be made to the current Penal Code, with the start of Parliament for this year.

Speaking to Public Service Media (PSM) on Wednesday night, Anil said two amendment bills for Penal Code will be submitted to Parliament once the Parliament starts. As such, the first amendment is one to the chapter on treason to the nation, which will include coups and attempted coups. The second amendment is one that increases penalties on state employees convicted on corruption charges. Anil added that this will include, corruption, graft, bribes and attempted bribery.

The current Penal Code was passed by the Parliament on April 1,2014, with the President ratified it on the 13th of the same month. The Code is in practice from July 16, 2015, implemented after several months of delay.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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