K. Male'
31 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:19
Senior figures of the Joint Opposition
Senior figures of the Joint Opposition
Ahmed Muhsin
Joint Opposition
Joint Opposition parties appoint candidates for inter-party talks
Hassan Latheef, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will represent MDP
Abdullah Riyaz, Dr. Hussain Rasheed will represent JP
Shidhatha, SG from AP, Yumna, Nadhira will represent Pres. Maumoon

Parties in the Joint Opposition have appointed two representatives each for inter-party talks to determine a single candidate for 2018 Presidential elections.

While the parties had previously stated that a single candidate will be brought in for 2018, no formal discussions was held to that effect.

However, it has been reported that the parties in the Joint Opposition had elected two representatives each for the inter-party talks, which are to start soon.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Chairperson Hassan Latheef and Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will represent the Party. Deputy Leaders Abdullah Riyaz and Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan will represent Jumhooree Party in the talks. Secretary General Ahmed Shareef and Foreign Relations Committee Chair Shidhatha Shareef will represent Adhaalath Party in the talks.

Yumna Maumoon and Aminath Nadhira will represent former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in the talks.

All except former President Maumoon had said they will support a single candidate for 2018 Presidential elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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