K. Male'
28 Dec 2017 | Thu 23:11
Shahindha Ismail, Executive Director at Maldives Democracy Network (MDN)
Shahindha Ismail, Executive Director at Maldives Democracy Network (MDN)
Police Crackdowns
Police launch probe on Shahindha, following tweets
Shahindha responded to Pres. Yameen
Tweets widely discussed, debated

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has launched a probe in to the tweets posted by Shahindha Ismail, Executive Director at Maldives Democracy Network (MDN).

MPS’ probe concerned a tweet posted by Shahindha, who had said that Almighty Allah had allowed other religions and faiths in the world. If it was not the case, Shahindha said there would only be Islam in the world.

Shahindha’s tweet was in response to a statement made by President Abdullah Yameen, who had said he would not allow any religion apart from Islam to thrive in the Maldives.

Police had remained silent on the matter, but had received public backlash over their decision to investigate the case. Some had said that Shahindha’s tweets were not an offense to religion and that Police would be better off investigating corruption of this administration.

Some had also responded, stating this was a direct declaration that Maldives must be opened to other religions.

Shahindha responded back to these allegations, saying that this was a deliberate misrepresentation of what she had said.  


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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