K. Male'
20 Dec 2017 | Wed 13:27
Previous session of All Party Talks
Previous session of All Party Talks
All Party Talks
Diplomat indicates All Party Talks can be held in SL
Talks must be held in an open environment
Seeking options for leaders to participate
Can be held as early as January

RaajjeMV understands that initiative is underway to hold the All-Party Talks in Sri Lanka.

A foreign diplomat, on the condition of anonymity, reported to RaajjeMV that a resolution to the political crisis in the Maldives can only be found by discussions among key parties. Therefore, the diplomat said there were several nations seeking to achieve this outcome.

The diplomat added that an open environment was key for this, as well as inclusion of all leaders of political parties. He also noted that based on the current political crisis, the best place to hold talks was outside of Maldives.

As such, he said parties such as UN and EU, were emphasizing on holding talks as early as January in Sri Lanka.

No statement was issued by the Government or any political party, when contacted.

Attempts were made to hold the All-Party Talks in Sri Lanka back in 2016. This had failed as the Government had refused.

The Government back in September had called for Talks. However, the opposition had shot down the idea, citing that talks cannot be held with their leaders in jail.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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