K. Male'
19 Dec 2017 | Tue 16:48
Former President Mohamed Nasheed meeting with the public
Former President Mohamed Nasheed meeting with the public
Ex-Pres Nasheed
Nasheed to meet Maldivians in Sri Lanka on December 26
Nasheed has been in Sri Lanka for political work

Mohamed Nasheed, the leader of opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), will be meeting with Maldivians in Colombo.

The self-exiled Former President, who now lives in London, has been in Sri Lanka for political work.

He has met with Maldivians in Sri Lanka in previous occasions, as well as top officials of the opposition coalition.

He has also met with officials of the Sri Lankan government, foreign ministries, and NGOs.

Nasheed has said he will be running in the 2018 presidential election on MDP’s ticket, and has also called on the opposition coalition to field a single candidate.

Despite incumbent President Abdulla Yameen winning the 2013 election by a narrow margin, Nasheed had twice the votes compared to Yameen in the first round.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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