K. Male'
18 Dec 2017 | Mon 18:08
Marriages will be granted for special circumstances
Marriages will be granted for special circumstances
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Family Court
Family Court to not grant marriages for 61 days in 2018
Family Court is open to granting marriages on the 61 days for special circumstances

Family Court has announced that it will not be granting marriages for 61 days in 2018.

The announcement on Sunday states that the court will not be granting marriages on Saturdays.

It will also not be granting marriages on May 15 and 16, due to the days coinciding with the beginning of Ramadan.

The Court will also not be granting marriages from June 14 to 17 for Eid al-Fitr, and from August 21 to 24 for Eid al-Adha.

Family Court stated that it is open to granting marriages on these days for special circumstances, if applicants provide proof via a written statement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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