K. Male'
17 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:14
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Ex-VP Adeeb
Adeeb seeks permission to leave abroad through dispute resolution
Case documents handed over to Attorney General's office
Authorities have so far refused to grant Adeeb to leave abroad

Permission for jailed Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb to seek medical treatment abroad is now being sought through dispute resolution.

The request, which has been submitted to the Civil Court, is aimed at the police service, home ministry, and the correctional service.

The case is now in the dispute resolution division.

A lawyer from the Attorney General’s office was handed the case documents at the first meeting on Sunday. At the meeting, the judge had granted the lawyer’s request for time to question the institutions involved.

The second meeting is to be held next Sunday.

Adeeb’s legal team had also requested that he be transferred to house arrest for the remainder of the trial.

Adeeb has been under police custody since March. He was taken from correctional service’s watch with other prisoners in order to strengthen security, according to the home minister.

Police stated that they are in charge of Adeeb’s security, while correctional service looks after his health.

His family and lawyers have cited doctors as saying that Adeeb is suffering from glaucoma, an internal cyst, and kidney stones.

Authorities have refused to allow him to seek treatment abroad, as recommended by his doctors, after claiming that he could flee and refuse to give back the embezzled money.

The former vice president of the current administration is serving prison sentences totaling 33 years on terrorism and corruption charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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