K. Male'
15 Dec 2017 | Fri 14:41
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy speaking at a joint opposition rally
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy speaking at a joint opposition rally
Hussein Fiyaz
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Opposition lawmaker says judicial decisions have become near incomprehensible
MP Imthiyaz Fahmy criticized the prison sentences against ex-president Nasheed, ex-minister Nazim, and opposition leaders
MP Fahmy also spoke about the centralization of power
Fahmy concluded with the statement that the Yameen administration is riddled with wanton restriction, duplicity, and theft

MP Imthiyaz Fahmy has questioned the legitimacy made by the local judiciary as of late, going so as far to say that some of them have been beyond comprehension.

The opposition aligned parliamentarian said this at a joint party rally held at Villingili on Thursday night, having said that the world is discontent with the ludicracy of the prison sentence against former President Mohamed Nasheed.

Fahmy’s scrutiny of the courts extended to the sentences against former Defence Minister Mohamed Zazim, opposition leader Imran Abdulla, and later Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim.

Fahmy also criticized prosecutors for pursuing a case against Mohamed Hassaan, MP Ahmed Mahloof’s father, for praying for President Abdulla Yameen’s removal from office. The police had arrested Hassaan and made wrongful accusations against him before claiming that said charges were made due to a ‘technical problem’ with their database.

The parliamentarian went on to speak about the restrictions placed against local government councils in the atolls and outer lying islands. He said that the recent Home Ministry circular ordering members of these councils to not speak to any foreign diplomats or officials without clearance or ‘permission’ from the ministry.

Fahmy concluded with the statement that the Yameen administration is riddled with wanton restriction, duplicity, and theft. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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