K. Male'
14 Dec 2017 | Thu 15:17
opposition rally
opposition rally
Joint Opposition Rally
Joint Opposition to hold rally in Vilimale’
Will begin at 9.45pm in Vilimale’ MDP Haruge
Rallies held every weekend
Rallies held under banner of ‘Citizen’s change’

The Joint Opposition is to hold a rally in Vilimale’ on Thursday evening.

The rally is to start at 9.45pm in Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Haruge in Vilimale’.

The Joint Opposition has been holding massive rallies in the islands in the past weeks. This included the rallies in Maduvvari island, Vilingili island and Thinadhoo island.

The rallies are held under the banner of ‘Citizen’s Change’.

Opposition leaders former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, MDP, Jumhooree Party and Adhaalath Party had agreed to work together in the 2018 Presidential Elections and 2019 Parliament Elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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