K. Male'
13 Dec 2017 | Wed 22:38
JP deputy leader Riyaz speaks to island councilors
JP deputy leader Riyaz speaks to island councilors
Jumhooree Party
Opposition Coalition
JP: Qasim will be opposition coalition’s candidate
MDP wishes to field its leader Nasheed
Legal changes make it impossible for Qasim, Nasheed, Gayoom, and Imran to run in 2018 election
Opposition parties will remain steadfast despite government obstruction

Jumhoree Party (JP)’s deputy leader Abdulla Riyaz has said party leader Qasim Ibrahim should be the opposition coalition’s 2018 presidential candidate.

The Kinbidhoo MP said this during a meeting with JP’s island councilors on Wednesday.

MP Riyaz also said he understands and respects the fact that Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is the largest of the coalition members and wishes to field its leader Mohamed Nasheed.

In March of this year, Former President Nasheed, Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Adhaalath Party (AP) leader Imran Abdulla, and Qasim signed an agreement to hold a fair and transparent presidential election.

However, due to amendments to the constitution and laws, they will not be qualified for the 2018 election.

Changes include barring people over 65 years of age from running, which affects Qasim and Gayoom. Also, Nasheed and Imran will also be unqualified for candidacy since people serving prison sentences are also barred.

Riyaz said opposition parties will remain steadfast in solidarity in 2018 presidential election and 2019 general election no matter how much the government hinders them using the courts and parliament.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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