K. Male'
13 Dec 2017 | Wed 16:45
Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives
Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives
Missing at Sea
Free-diving foreign resort employee remains missing
Chinese employee remains missing
Last seen going free-diving on north side of resort
Missing person is 25-year-old, five feet, and fair-skinned
Last seen wearing dark blue ScubaPro Shorty Wet-suit

The Coast Guard has said that the foreign employee of Centara Grand Island Resort remains missing.

The Chinese National was reported missing on Monday evening after going free-diving on the north side of the resort.

The 25-year-old man is five feet and fair-skinned was last seen wearing a dark blue ScubaPro Shorty Wetsuit.

While the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) is currently on the search, the defense force appealed anyone with information to call the Coast Guard’s toll-free number 191.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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