K. Male'
12 Dec 2017 | Tue 17:06
Faris Maumoon taken back to Maafushi Prison
Faris Maumoon taken back to Maafushi Prison
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Faris Maumoon
Judges bench looking into Faris' appeal has disbanded, say lawyers
Judge Usman has left the bench
Faris' legal team requests previous bench to preside over case
Handling of Faris' case greatly criticized

The High Court judges' bench, looking into the appeal case of Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon's arrest and detention order, has been disbanded, says Faris' legal team.

In a letter to the High Court on Monday, lawyer Maumoon Hameed said the judges' bench was disbanded after Judge Shujau Usman left.

The letter said that Judge Usman, who is from the court’s southern wing, was transferred to Male' for a three-month period which ended on December 4.

In the letter, Hameed requested the court to order the original bench to once again preside over Faris' appeal case.

The former bench that presided over the case included High Court’s Chief Judge Abdulla Didi, Judge Ali Sameer and Judge Abdul Rauf Ibrahim. However, Judge Usman later replaced Judge Sameer.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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