K. Male'
10 Dec 2017 | Sun 22:36
Ex-President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-President Mohamed Nasheed
The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Human Rights Day
Ex-Pres Nasheed condemns HRCM on Human Rights Day
Eight custodial deaths in the past two years
Numerous murders and gang attacks
HRCM not doing enough to protect rights of citizens

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has condemned Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) for not doing enough to protect the rights of citizens.

In a tweet on Human Rights Day, one of the key opposition leaders described HRCM as being 'dysfunctional'.

Nasheed also noted of the eight custodial deaths in the past two years and 'countless' unsolved murders and gang attacks.

"Our democracy movement was founded to prevent torture and ill treatment."

Meanwhile, in a public message to mark International Human Rights Day, HRCM's President Aminath Enas noted the various accomplishments made this year, to improve the rights of Maldivians.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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