K. Male'
09 Dec 2017 | Sat 11:46
MP Ali Nizar speaking at an opposition rally
MP Ali Nizar speaking at an opposition rally
Joint Opposition Rally
President Yameen has no thoughts of developing outer lying atolls, says opposition
MP Nizar said that residents in the capital are far better off than those in the outer lying islands
Nizar said that this is a grave injustice to them, given as how all citizens pay the same in taxes to the state

President Abdulla Yameen has ‘no mind’ to develop facilities in the outer lying islands, said MP Ali Nizar referring to the disproportion between projects in the atolls and in the capital city.

Nizar said speaking at the joint opposition parties’ rally in Magoodhoo island of Faafu Atoll that having numerous projects aimed at just the capital city is an ‘injustice’ to residents in the islands.

“Most of the outer lying islands do not have adequate facilities, no safe roads or functional water and sewage systems, while most of the government’s budget is focused on developing the capital city” Nizar said.

He said that all citizens pay the same amount as different taxes to the government, and that therefore this is a grave injustice to residents in the islands.

Nizar went on to condemn the remand of MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, calling it wrongful im[prisonment and referred to the recent arrest of MP Ahmed Mahloof’s father. Nizar criticized both the government and President Abdulla Yameen himself.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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