K. Male'
08 Dec 2017 | Fri 17:17
MP Mahloof's father dragged away by the Police
MP Mahloof's father dragged away by the Police
Crackdown on Opposition
Lawmaker’s father arrested after Friday prayers
Summoned to Police on Thursday
Police confirmed arrest

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof’s father Mohamed Hassaan was arrested after Friday prayers once again.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) media official confirmed the arrest but refused to divulge additional details.

His arrest came hours after he was summoned to MPS over 'praying' against government officials.

Hassaan received a chit on December 1st asking him to attend the Maldives Police Service headquarters in capital city Malé to give his statement.

According to allegations made against him, Hassaan had prayed for the downfall and ‘ill health’ of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and those ‘close to him’.

Speaking to RaajjeMV after answering his summons, Hassaan said that President Yameen did not have a monopoly on where and what can be prayed on.

Hassaan was charged under clause 615 (6) of the Penal Code, which concerns over creating an environment of chaos, confusion and fear among public. This is a third-degree offence, which would earn him a one-month six-day jail sentence if proven guilty.

Hassaan was the only individual arrested, even though many had participated in the prayer against the Government.

Hassaan’s son, MP Mahloof is a vocal figure in the opposition movement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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