K. Male'
07 Dec 2017 | Thu 18:08
MP Mohamed Falaah in RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee program
MP Mohamed Falaah in RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee program
Mohamed Fazeen
FTA will facilitate 'the sale' of Maldives to China: MP Falaah
Fast tracking shows insincerity on part of Govt.
Aspects of FTA concerning

Maafannu West Constituency MP Mohamed Falaah has stated that the Free Trade Agreement between the Maldives and People’s Republic of China will facilitate the sale of Maldives to China.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Wednesday night, MP Falaah said that the members of the present administration had raised their objections when the previous administration authorized the lease of the airport to India’s GMR. The then opposition then claimed releasing the airport to India’s GMR was selling off the nation.

MP Falaah pointed out the obvious hypocrisy of these individuals, given they were now engineering a free trade agreement on dubious grounds with China.

The Parliamentarian appealed to all citizens to resist these moves by the Government. MP Falaah said giving the same leeway and access to Chinese citizens in the country, as that of a local, was unacceptable.

He also raised concerns over how locals were exempted from discussions over a key issue that impacted their livelihood.

The Parliamentarian is one of the many raising their doubts over the proposed FTA, which was fast tracked through the Parliament in the space of one day.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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