K. Male'
07 Dec 2017 | Thu 18:04
Senior officials of Adhaalath Party; the Party had condemned US decision on Jerusalem
Senior officials of Adhaalath Party; the Party had condemned US decision on Jerusalem
Adhaalath Party
Adhaalath Party
AP condemns US Pres. decision to declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
US has declared Jerusalem as capital of Israel
Nations have expressed concern, describing decision as a setback
All Muslims have to work united on this, the party said

Adhaalath Party (AP) has expressed concern over the decision made by United States of America, in declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

A statement released by AP expressed 'deep sadness' towards the US government’s decision over one of the holiest sites in Islam, adding their condemnation of the act.

It added the decision was tied with the faith and beliefs of over a billion Muslims across the world.

AP said the decision was devoid of justice, violated international laws and infringed on the rights of Palestinians.

Such a decision, the statement said, cannot rest with one nation or one organization.

The decision, AP said, will further negatively impact on relations between Israel and Palestine and the international community’s attempts to bring a resolution to the crisis.

AP had called on the US to reverse the decision and move forward with seeking a lasting solution to the issue.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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