K. Male'
01 Dec 2017 | Fri 11:11
Sign at the entrance to the Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters in capital city Malé
Sign at the entrance to the Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters in capital city Malé
Sun Online
ACC asks civil service to ensure interviewers do not have familial ties with candidates
ACC has asked the civil service commission to ensure interviewers are not related to any of the candidates
The statement follows a probe into corruption allegations over a hiring made in Milandhoo island of Shaviyani Atoll
The civil service commission is a statutory body charged with hiring and regulating staff in state employment

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has asked the Civil Service Commission to not include officials who have familial ties with candidates when conducting employment interviews.

The ACC announcement comes after it conducted an investigation into allegations that an employee hired to the public school in Milandhoo island of Shaviyani Atoll involved corrupt misconduct.

The allegations claim that the candidate in question was the mother of a one of the interviewers and had influenced his peers into hiring her, while there had been a ‘number of more qualified candidates’.

ACC’s probe had further found that the interviewer in question had ranked other candidates contesting for the position much lower than the other interviewers, despite not having been involved in ranking the candidate related to him.

Therefore, the commission said that there is reason to believe that this may have been an attempt to bring the eligibility of the other candidates to allow the candidate of his choice to acquire the position.

ACC further stated that four interviewers ranking all the candidates and three ranking a single one is not a procedure that can legitimately imposed and followed.

A total of 10 candidates had applied for two available caretaker and janitorial positions at the school in Milandhoo. The panel included four interviewers.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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