K. Male'
01 Dec 2017 | Fri 02:25
Attacks on RaajjeTV
MBC refuses to release fine memo, citing privacy concerns
RTI Act quoted as reason not to release memo
Decision made in response to RaajjeTV letter sent to Commission

Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) has refused to release the memo taken on the day the Commission passed to penalize RaajjeTV, citing privacy concerns.

The response was issued in response to a letter sent by the station, requesting for copies of all memos of meetings where action was taken on the station.

The response sent in by the Commission said that memos and vote details of those meetings cannot be disclosed citing clause 23 of Right to Information Act.

Clause 23 (a) of the Right to Information Act states that the Information Officer of an agency can withhold information if the information included personal information.

In spite of this, clause (b) of the same Act states that the Information Officer can release the information, without any permission from the said individual, if disclosure was in public interest.

RaajjeTV was penalized thrice by the Commission. MBC letter also noted that two of the cases in concern were still on trial and therefore cannot be released, citing clause 24 of the RTI.

Clause 24 states that if the information is relevant to and has legal validity then the agency can refuse to divulge the said information.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Mohamed Zahir
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