K. Male'
30 Nov 2017 | Thu 04:18
Arson attack on RaajeTV
Arson attack on RaajeTV
RaajjeTV Arson Case
Court cancels hearing of RaajjeTV arson case
No reason given for cancellation
RaajjeTV was torched on October 7,2013
Prosecutors say DNA of prime suspect was found on scene

Criminal Court has canceled the hearing of the arson attack on RaajjeTV premises.

The case was to be heard at 11am on Wednesday and no reason was given for cancellation.

RaajjeTV premises was set ablaze in the early hours of October 7, 2013. State had raised charges against Mohamed Mee’aad of Henveyru Gaswa.

The last hearings to the case was held on August 14th, where the Court heard statements from three witnesses; three officers of Maldives Police Service (MPS). The officers were at the scene and had discovered a key piece of evidence. They testified that a glove was found at the scene which they had bagged as evidence.

The officers also testified that the security officer at the building was attacked with a sharp object, while another woman was at an upper floor, appealing for rescue.

State had presented four witnesses and two pieces of evidence to back their case. They include the medical report issued by Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) after reviewing Mee’aad for burns on his neck, arms and legs and DNA report on the glove that showed that Mee’aad’s DNA was in it.

Additionally, crime of scene report, medical documents from IGMH as well as analysis report on video footage from RaajjeTV.

Even though charges were raised just on Mee’aad, MPS had forwarded nine individuals for prosecution to PG Office.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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