K. Male'
21 Nov 2017 | Tue 10:15
Then Defence Minister Tholhath (C) stands next to former military chief Moosa Ali Jaleel (R)
Then Defence Minister Tholhath (C) stands next to former military chief Moosa Ali Jaleel (R)
Ex-Minister Tholhath
High Court upholds 10-year jail sentence against ex-defence minister Tholhath
The Criminal Court sentenced the former defence minister on April 10th, 2015
He was sentenced on terror allegations, for having ‘unlawfully detained’ then Criminal Court chief judge Abdulla Mohamed
Tholhath is currently serving his sentence in house arrest

The High Court has upheld the Criminal Court’s 10-year jail sentence against Tholhath Ibrahim, a former defence minister of the Nasheed administration.

The Criminal Court sentenced the former defence minister on April 10th, 2015. He was sentenced on terror allegations, for having ‘unlawfully detained’ then Criminal Court chief judge Abdulla Mohamed.

Tholhath was found guilty of having conspired to detain to Judge Mohamed, after adjudicators found witness testimony and his own statements enough to convict him.

Tholhath is currently serving his sentence in house arrest.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed was sentenced to 13-years in prison on terror charges for having reportedly given the order for the judge’s detension.

Then brigadier general and area commander, Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, is currently facing trial.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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