K. Male'
20 Nov 2017 | Mon 11:41
PG Bisham's car following the arson attack
PG Bisham's car following the arson attack
PG Bisham
No arrests made over arson attack on PG Bisham’s car: Police
Torched in early hours of October 8
Police said a special team was created to investigate
Defined it as an attack on judicial justice system

Maldives Police Service (MPS) say that no arrests were made over the arson attack on Prosecutor General Aishath Bisham’s car.

MPS media official reported the case was still under investigation but no arrests had been made.

PG Bisham’s car was torched just after midnight on October 8th. The car was completely destroyed in the fire.

Police had assembled a special task force to investigate the case.

A statement released on October 9th said the arson attack was an attack on the entire judicial justice system. MPS’ statement added the institution will carry out a full and thorough investigation and bring perpetrators to justice.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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