K. Male'
16 Nov 2017 | Thu 15:23
Former MP Abdulla Jabir speaking to RaajjeTV in an interview from Colombo, Sri Lanka
Former MP Abdulla Jabir speaking to RaajjeTV in an interview from Colombo, Sri Lanka
Abdulla Jabir
Civil Court dismisses Jabir's case over passport cancellation after legal representative failed to show
The case was dismissed last week
Jabir file it against the immigration department
Police announced that they were looking for him on 27th April

The Civil Court has dimissed the case filed by prominent businessman and former parliamentarian Abdulla Jabir case over the state’s decision to suspend his travel documents.

The case was dismissed on the grounds that a representative from Jabir had not attended nor been part of any court proceedings.

The case was filed against the state, namely the Department of Immigration and Emigration.

Jabir, who was made advisor to opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed earlier this year, had his passport suspended in June.

Jabir had attempted to fly to the United Kingdom from Italy when the country’s immigration officials told him that his passport had been suspended. He was detained at the airport in Gatwick for a total of 15 hours before being released.

His travel documents were reportedly suspended in relation to an ongoing investigation, for which the police announced they were looking to apprehend him on 27th April.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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