K. Male'
08 Nov 2017 | Wed 12:08
Flag in Kulhudhuffushi lowered to half-mast
Flag in Kulhudhuffushi lowered to half-mast
Ahmed Muhsin
Current Political Crisis
MDP flag in Kulhudhuffushi lowered to half mast
Lowered at midnight on Monday
Flag flew at 89 feet before
Lowered to 20 feet

The massive flag of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) in Kulhudhuffushi island in Haa Dhaal Atoll has been lowered to half-mast.

An official of MDP in the island reported to RaajjeMV that Police had ordered to lower the flag before midnight on Monday. The official added they had complied as ordered and lowered it to 20 feet.

Police had ordered to lower the flag just prior to President Abdullah Yameen’s planned visit to the island.

Official added lowering the flag was saddening but did not wish to show any opposition or dissent during President Yameen’s visit to the island.

As per regulations, no flag can be raised higher than the national flag.

The flag was raised in the island last year during Eid celebrations.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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