K. Male'
08 Nov 2017 | Wed 13:20
Fire in the island's power house: 90 percent of power house damaged in fire
Fire in the island's power house: 90 percent of power house damaged in fire
Fire Incidents
Ninety percent of power house damaged in fire: Ukulhas Council
Tourists departed due to lack of electricity
120-kilowatt engine damaged
Power restored by 6.30pm on Tuesday

Island Council of Ukulhas island says that 90 percent of the island’s power house had been damaged beyond use as a result of Tuesday’s fire.

Speaking to RaajjeTV Council President Shukath Ibrahim confirmed this, adding that the 120-kilowatt engine and main cable to the panel board were also damaged.

‘I believe that around 90 percent of power house is damaged. One of the generators was burnt beyond use. Main cables attached to panel board from generator was also damage. The loss is significant,’ he said.

business, especially guesthouses, suffered immense losses due to the seven-hour power cut. Shaukath noted the most of the guests in guesthouses had departed the island due to lack of power.

STELCO provides electricity to the island. A team from the company had arrived in the island on Tuesday evening to resovle the issue.

Power went out at around 11.15am and was restored by 6.35pm on Tuesday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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