K. Male'
07 Nov 2017 | Tue 16:03
Screen captures of the Nanaa Huvafen program on Channel 13
Screen captures of the Nanaa Huvafen program on Channel 13
Channel 13 Screenshots
Broadcom Rulings
Ch13 gets away scot-free once again; Broadcom rules no defamation in content
No issues in ‘Nanaa Huvafen’ program
The channel had broadcasted content that showed indecent cartoons of President Maumoon
MBC had investigated the case on its own accord

Channel 13, has once again, gotten away scot-free, after Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) ruled that their content had not violated broadcasting ethics and laws.

The channel had broadcast indecent cartoons of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in their ‘Nanaa Huvafen’ program on July 9th.

MBC had investigated the case on its own accord. The Commission’s ruling noted the channel’s Acting Chief Executive Officer had attested the content did not specifically indicate that the individual in question was former President Maumoon.

The ruling further noted two aspects; the channel said the content only demonstrated what had happened in the past and the program only sought to educate that this should not be the way.

As such, the ruling said the content was broadcast as it was, without alterations and as facts, as per clauses 18 (a) and (c) of the Defamation Act. Therefore, as per clause 10 (a) (i) and (e) of the Act, MBC ruled that Channel 13 had not violated any measures in the law.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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