K. Male'
06 Nov 2017 | Mon 15:08
The deicsion was made with votes from 28 parliamentarians
The deicsion was made with votes from 28 parliamentarians
Action on Climate Change
Maldivian parliament passes to adopt Kigali Amendment on reduction of greenhouse gases
The parliamentary review committee’s report on the matter was passed during Monday’s sitting with 28 votes
Opposition parliamentarians had abstained from the vote
The Kigali Amendment came into effect given that fluorinated hydrocarbons do not damage the ozone layer, but contributes to global warming

The parliament has on Monday passed to adopt the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on substances damaging the ozone layer.

The parliamentary review committee’s report on the matter was passed during Monday’s sitting with 28 votes.

Opposition parliamentarians had again protested the validity of sittings held under speaker Abdulla Maseeh, against whom motions of no-confidence have been filed repeatedly. They had abstained from the vote. 

The Kigali Amendment came into effect given that fluorinated hydrocarbons do not damage the ozone layer, but contributes to global warming.

Thus, an agreement was made under the flag of the Montreal Protocol to decrease its production and consumption, placing goals for 2024 and 2028. The adoption will become effective form 2019 onwards. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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