K. Male'
03 Nov 2017 | Fri 14:37
President Nasheed making his case at the Oxford Union
President Nasheed making his case at the Oxford Union
Oxford Union
Ex-President Mohamed Nasheed
Individual actions cannot solve climate crisis: Nasheed
President Nasheed took the side of the opposition along with former US Energy Secretary Dr Ernest Moniz

The former President of Maldives Mohamed Nasheed has said that “we are not going to solve the climate crisis by fragmented, individual actions”. He made the remarks while taking part at a debate organized by the prestigious Oxford Union in Oxford, UK. 

The Oxford Union debate held on Thursday night on the topic “Individual Apathy is the Greatest Threat to our Climate”. President Nasheed took the side of the opposition, along with former US Energy Secretary Dr. Ernest Moniz and former Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales. Speaking in proposition to the topic were Labour MPs Barry Gardiner and Angela Smith and Sir David King, the Special Advisor to the Foreign Secretary on Climate Change.
The debate ended with the majority of the Union members disagreeing that individual apathy is the greatest threat to our climate. 248 said No while 61 agreed with the topic. 

Former President Nasheed, a well known climate change advocate, is frequently invited to debates, discussions and speeches regarding climate change and environment while he is living in asylum in the United Kingdom. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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