K. Male'
27 Oct 2017 | Fri 11:01
The Maldives Women’s Chamber of Commerce (MWCC) was inaugurated in an event on Thursday night
The Maldives Women’s Chamber of Commerce (MWCC) was inaugurated in an event on Thursday night
Women's Chamber of Commerce launches charitable association
The MWCC aims to bolster commercial efforts by local women
Sheeza Imad, head of the MWCC, said that the association would provide capital and logistical support for women entrepreneurs and business owners
Award-winning women’s rights activist Aneesa Ahmed was the chief guest at Thursday night’s event

A women’s counterpart to the non-profit National Chamber of Commerce has been officially established as an organization.

The Maldives Women’s Chamber of Commerce (MWCC) was inaugurated in an event on Thursday night, and aims to bolster commercial efforts by local women.

Sheeza Imad, head of the MWCC, said that the association would provide capital and logistical support for women entrepreneurs and business owners.

“There are hundreds of women in the Maldives who want to establish and run their own businesses, they are very capable as well. We want to empower them, and give them a means to accomplish what they want” Sheeza said.

Sheeza further said that the association aims to improve women’s participation in all areas of the national economy.

Award-winning women’s rights activist Aneesa Ahmed was the chief guest at Thursday night’s event. Aneesa, who in addition to serving in government for a number of years had famously taken a stand against female genital mutilation, said one of the biggest obstacles to women’s participation in the economy was lack of access to finances.

Women who work in corporations, crafts, and other industries can become a member of the organization.  

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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