K. Male'
22 Oct 2017 | Sun 15:54
MP Rozaina: the MP maintains that MP Faris, Sheikh Imran were transferred back out of fear
MP Rozaina: the MP maintains that MP Faris, Sheikh Imran were transferred back out of fear
Ahmed Muhsin
Opposition Politicians
Imran, Faris taken back as President Yameen is afraid: Rozaina
President Yameen barring opposition talks
He does not wish to see any opposition leader free
President Yameen cannot hope to win another election

Addu Meedhoo Constiteuncy MP Rozaina Adam says that the transfer of Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon was prompted by President Abdullah Yameen’s fear.

Speaking on the issue of jailing political opponents, in Saturday night’s edition of RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program, MP Rozaina said that President Yameen lacks "sympathy, empathy and compassion". The decisions to transfer those individuals home was done so due to internal and international pressure.

‘The truth is that President Yameen does not wish to see any of his political opponents out of jail. Even in this country. What we’re seeing now is that he has launched his re-election bid. I feel that he sees this, any unity on part of opposition, as a threat to his re-election,’ she said.

Sheikh Imran was transferred back to jail at the time when former President Mohamed Nasheed had talked about establishing a national unity Government. When questioned about the timing, MP Rozaina said though that was unclear, President Yameen had always feared any talks that united the opposition parties.

‘President Yameen always is afraid when the joint parties present a united front in our activities. Especially now that he had launched his re-election bid, the other parties will be also focusing on that. So, he will seek out a way to disrupt our discussions,’ she said.

Both Imran and MP Faris were transferred back to jail at the time when President Nasheed had floated the idea of a candidate backed by all opposition parties for 2018 and the possibility of an interim Government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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