K. Male'
22 Oct 2017 | Sun 10:25
Inguraidhoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Falah; claims this administration had delivered more than the manifesto
Inguraidhoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Falah; claims this administration had delivered more than the manifesto
Mohamed Sharuhaan
PPM Pledges
Have fulfilled PPM manifesto and more: MP Falaah
Nasheed is not trusted anymore by the international community

Inguraidhoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Falah says that during the short time of this administration, President Abdullah Yameen had fulfilled the pledges in Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) manifesto and had delivered more in the form of billion Rufiyaa development projects.

He made the statement speaking in the Yameen faction rally held in Addu City on Saturday night, under the banner ‘Afirinnah Thayyaara’.

MP Falah said the opposition had trouble accepting the changes and development brought to the nation under this administration. He claimed this administration had more than delivered on their pledges in the manifesto.

He also claimed this nation had not seen a President like President Yameen, adding that he was sure President Yameen will still be in power in 2018.

MP Falah described former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom and Mohamed Nasheed as destructive forces. He added that President Nasheed had encouraged President Maumoon to tarnish his own image.

He also called on opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) to be a more responsible political party, adding that all the current actions of MDP were to prevent anyone other than them from coming to power.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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