K. Male'
19 Oct 2017 | Thu 15:33
Former Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal: criticized PSM calling it a propaganda machine
Former Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal: criticized PSM calling it a propaganda machine
Public Service Media
PSM is a propaganda machine, zero public faith: ex-Minister Maleeh
PSM providing information to Auditor General is unacceptable

Former Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal says that it was unacceptable that an agency as biased as Public Service Media (PSM) providing information by the Auditor General's (AG) Office.

He made the statement in reference to the agreement signed by state media PSM and AG Office. Speaking to RaajjeMV Maleeh said information must be shared with all media agencies and there should not be a bias in this.

Under the MoU signed between PSM and Audit Office, PSM has to follow a strict set of guidelines in covering audit reports and activities of the Office.

Critics say this is another move by the Government to cover up the corruption revealed by audit reports.

Maleeh, who was the first Youth Minister of this administration, said that PSM had failed to be impartial, was a propaganda machine for the state and incapable of conducting themselves professionally.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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