K. Male'
06 Oct 2017 | Fri 11:08
'Varuvaa' comes from a traditional system where atoll chiefs or rulers would give land to individuals to grow food and crops as much as possible
'Varuvaa' comes from a traditional system where atoll chiefs or rulers would give land to individuals to grow food and crops as much as possible
Ashwa Faheem
'Varuvaa' Scheme
Fisheries Ministry announces bid date for over 60 agriculture islands
Bidders can contest for islands in Baa, Raa, Noonu, Seenu, Kaafu, Vaavu, Shaviyani, and Alif Dhaalu Atolls
The ministry announced in September that it would be leasing 65 islands under the ‘Varuvaa’ program
Bidders must apply with the ministry by October 11th

The Fisheries Ministry has announced a bid date for over 60 islands to be leased under the ‘Varuvaa’ program, which allows uninhabited islands to be leased for agricultural purposes.

Those participating in the bid can contest for islands in Baa, Raa, Noonu, Seenu, Kaafu, Vaavu, Shaviyani, and Alif Dhaalu Atolls.

The ministry announced in September that it would be leasing 65 islands under the ‘Varuvaa’ program. However, three islands that were previously included were omitted when they published the list of islands available for leasing.

The program’s name comes from a traditional system where land was given to individuals to grow crops. Under it, the state had leased a number of islands last year and in February of 2017.

In 2016, the program leased 50 islands in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll and 20 islands in Gaafu Alifu Atoll.  In February this year, the program leased another 25 islands in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.

Bidders must apply with the ministry by October 11th, pay processing fees by October 15th, and submit their bids by October 23rd.

Islands that have only a single bidder will go to said applicant and the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture will appoint a contractor of its choice to islands that do not have any bidders.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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