K. Male'
02 Oct 2017 | Mon 00:52
Abdulla Riyaz - MP for Kinbidhoo Constituency, Deputy Leader of Jumhooree Party, Commissioner of Police (Retd.),
Abdulla Riyaz - MP for Kinbidhoo Constituency, Deputy Leader of Jumhooree Party, Commissioner of Police (Retd.),
Mohamed Fazeen
Intimidation of Opposition
Will not back down an inch in holding Govt. accountable: MP Riyaz
Charges do not correspond to Penal Code clauses
Questions based on invalid instances
Investigated under clauses 511, 513, 514 and 533 of Penal Code

Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz has once again vowed not to back down an inch in holding the Government accountable.

The Parliamentarian, who also serves as Deputy Leader of Jumhooree Party, made the statement after being summoned to Maldives Police Service (MPS) headquarters. He was summoned as part of the investigation where Riyaz is accused of 'spreading false information, creating dissent among the public, interfering with police procedures and defaming the police via the media'.

Speaking to media afterwards, Riyaz said the investigation was a politically motivated one, adding that the investigation was run against procedures and principles.

‘One of the questions posed to me was whether I had used my position to interfere into any investigation run on an individual from my Constituency. I was quite happy when that question was asked, as it showed that the Government accepted the work I was doing for the betterment of my Constituents,’ he said.

Lawyer Nooru Salaam said that five clauses of the Penal Code under which his client was charged under and the accusations made against MP Riyaz did not match.

He said that while MP Riyaz was charged for spreading false rumors and creating dissent, he was being investigated under clauses 511, 513, 514 and 533, which were not relevant to the accusations against MP Riyaz.

He added that the questions by Police were based on the previous case where Police seized his phone. He also said the investigation was run against criminal and investigative procedures.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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