K. Male'
27 Sep 2017 | Wed 14:54
Former First Daughter Yumna Maumoon
Former First Daughter Yumna Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Political Crisis
Curtailing injustice is an individual responsibility: Yumna
Major rally on Friday
Have to raise voices against injustice
Friday’s rally is a peaceful event

Former First Daughter Yumna Maumoon has called on all to prevent institutionalizing injustice, urging all to curtail injustice.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Tuesday night, Yumna said that this was an individual responsibility. Reflecting on escalating stabbings among youth, she said that preventing such acts were a shared responsibility of both the state and public. The failure to prevent such acts, Yumna added, had resulted in this becoming common, with the public getting more desensitized to it.

Yumna, a key figure in the opposition movement, said the planned rally for Friday was a peaceful one. She said the purpose of the rally was to demonstrate that Maldives was always against violence and that the Rohingya Muslims were no exception.

Yumna called on all to participate in the rally

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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