K. Male'
21 Sep 2017 | Thu 17:20
Foreign Minister Asim earlier this week sent signed a historic joint communique send out by the Maldivian government and that of El Salvador in Central America as well
Foreign Minister Asim earlier this week sent signed a historic joint communique send out by the Maldivian government and that of El Salvador in Central America as well
Maldivian-Dominican Republic
Minister Asim strengthens ties near Caribbean
Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim met with Dominican Foreign Minsiter Miguel Vargas
Maldives established diplomatic relations with El Salvador in Central America on Tuesday
Minister Asim sends Independence Day regards to Belize

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim met with Miguel Vargas, his counterpart appointed by the Dominican government.

Foreign Minister Miguel Vargas received sympathies over the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Maria, which ripped through its eastern and northern coasts on Thursday.

The ministers held this talk during sideline discussions at the United Nations’ general debate, which began on 19th September.

On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Asim had also signed a historic joint communique send out by the Maldivian government and that of El Salvador in Central America announcing the establishment of diplomatic ties between them.

The communique, which held bore the signature of Salvadorian Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez Bonilla, said both governments have held dialogue in all ‘all areas of mutual interest’.

Asim also signed a letter expressing regards to the government of Belize, wishing the country ‘warm greetings and sincere good wishes’ in commemoration of their Independence Day. Belize was made independent on September 21, 1981.

“It is my sincere hope that the friendly relations that exist between our two countries will be maintained and further strengthened in the future" the letter carrying the Foreign Minister’s signature read.

The local Foreign Ministry’s website states the number of countries Maldives has diplomatic ties with at 165. However, the list still includes Iran, which Maldives severed diplomatic ties with in May this year citing security threats after having had relations since 1971.

The current administration also severed ties with the Qatari government in June having famously left with Commonwealth in a dispute over a human rights report.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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