K. Male'
19 Sep 2017 | Tue 11:08
The website was launched at a special reception held to commemorate the Supreme Court’s 9th anniversary on Monday night
The website was launched at a special reception held to commemorate the Supreme Court’s 9th anniversary on Monday night
Ismail Naail Nasheed
Supreme Court
Supreme Court launches LexisNexis hosted legal archive
The archive was launched at a special reception held to commemorate the Supreme Court’s 9th anniversary on Monday night
Justice Saeed launched the first chapter of a journal detailing court decisions, the rationale behind the decision, and the legal principle followed
The Supreme Court had also launched a strategic action plan for the Maldives’ judiciary

Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed has launched a storeware website for publicizing decisions made by local courts.

Justice Saeed launched the first chapter of a journal detailing court decisions, the rationale behind the decision, and the legal principle followed. This was hosted on said website.

The website is operated by the LexisNexis Group – a North American corporation that provides electronic and computer assisted legal and business research services.

Saeed said, at a special reception held to commemorate the Supreme Court’s 9th anniversary on Monday night, that the chapter released on Monday will serve to assist international researchers seeking to acquire a better understanding of the Maldivian legal system.

The chief justice further said that the Supreme Court’s administrative department is working to have all its decisions and verdicts translated, which would serve the aforesaid purpose.

While Monday’s chapter included several Supreme Court decisions, the following chapter will reportedly detail decisions made by the High Court.

The Supreme Court had also launched a strategic action plan for the Maldives’ judiciary. The reception was attended by several prominent members of the legal profession, including retired judges and Attorney General Mohamed Anil.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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